Friday, 19 October 2012

31 day fat loss cure scam - when the diet is a cure

The word "diet", is widely used in the lexicon as a tool for weight loss comes from the Greek díaita - lifestyle.

If losing weight can be a single campaign aimed at improving the internal and external factors that are responsible for the quality of life, medical diet, which means the food is the maintenance and improvement of a certain state - this is a

fundamentally different concept. Specifically, therapeutic diets that are required to the emergence of the disease and life, often prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, an important role in which she plays the liver.fat loss

Liver , in simple terms, acts as a filter for different injuring life and normal functioning of the body, substances.
Virtually all diseases that occur with a person somehow affect the liver, not to mention the "absolute evil" - alcohol, fatty, junk food, and medicines. Among other things, the liver has its "weak points" - it is for him "beat" somebacteria and viruses that cause functional damage to the cells. This can lead to hepatitis - inflammation of the liver.

Conventionally, Hepatitis - two versions: it is the bacteria that cause hepatitis A (infectious disease, disease of

"dirty hands", jaundice), and viruses - causing hepatitis B, C, and other, other - a complete list of all viral

hepatitis is quite wide. If in the case with bacterial hepatitis A is more or less clear, the viral hepatitis - this is

about-what-how-to-not-taken-talk-aloud. Some people believe that HCV affects only alcoholics, drug addicts and other people morally decaying and leading asocial way of life, in which the reign of evil and promiscuity and other debauchery. This is definitely a myth . Which generally shrouded in the entire history of the detection of the virus

that causes hepatitis. Stories and Myths about Hepatitis deserve a separate article, but for information, according toWHO statistics, only hepatitis B virus worldwide are infected over 2 billion people. And this is just the data from clinical studies. How many people can carry the virus but do not know about this (for reference - the hepatitis C virus- "gentle killer" - may be "sleeping in the body up to 15 years, does not prove itself and exposes) is anyone's guess.

Say that among this set of people is absolute and percentage of drug addicts, for example, is not necessary, but at the

same time, a considerable number of patients were infected through blood transfusions, surgery, dentistry, and as a result of the case - sad , but true fact. Hepatitis, by the way, one of the occupational health doctors - the

probability of infection of the patient from exposure to body fluids in the body. Despite the differences in course,diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the vital (vital prognosis - a combination of different factors, to judge whether it is possible Does cure disease, whether it will or not in the chronic form and what are the chances of recovery) ,

common in people who have had or continue to hurt any of the forms of hepatitis, one thing - the need to save as your liver. Even if the transferred hepatitis was completely disinfected, even if you remember about that liver cells have the ability to regenerate and restore, protect, and to spare her life. And, first of all, it is designed to do a strict diet - as the food here would be regarded not only as a means of generating energy, but also as an available remedy, of

course, in complex combination with drug therapy, if such there is a need for a doctor. doctor to develop a list ofmedical diets ("therapeutic tables"), in which several items are assigned a diet prescribed for liver diseases. In cure scam
particular, the diet number 5 , which is indicated for chronic hepatitis benign course. So, the goal of any diet for hepatitis - is to reduce the toxic effects on the liver by its mechanical and physical schazheniya, to prevent

exacerbation of disease, suffering and promote the restoration of disturbed functions of the liver, This meets the needs of the body for nutrients. Indeed, the list of permitted and prohibited foods - is not far from a secret, the worst inthe diet - is the need to maintain a balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Fats in large quantities to the liver is contraindicated because just as easily digestible, or simple, carbohydrates .

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