Tuesday, 30 October 2012

31 Day Fat Loss - Weight loss

 diet and physical activity, the binomial unavoidable, provided that they remain motivated ...

If diet and exercise are essential ingredients for weight loss, motivation remains essential, followed by other criteria changes develops Prof. Alain Golay (Geneva).

"Losing weight is not a problem of pounds! It is a long and tedious process quickly demotivating for both the patient and the caregiver. The challenge is to achieve systematic management while supporting motivation in the long term, "says Dr. Golay, in the introduction to his article.

According to him, this motivation to maintain both patient and caregiver, it is important to have criteria other than weight change.

"Seven criteria have been chosen for this problem in an obese patient and what is done in some centers," says the specialist quote: motivation, nutrition, physical activity, behavior disorders food, food sensations, emotions and the body.

According to him, the motivation is personal or aesthetic expectations ("If I lose weight, I can finally find a soul mate") for reasons of health ("If I lose weight, my diabetes will improve") or to internal motivation ("if I lose weight, I'm more in line with my values").

At the end of slimming, the patient accepts the weight obtained even if it does not match the idealized weight and finds the balance between the effort required to manage their weight and the benefits it derives. Last of all, says the doctor, "the goal is reached if the patient follows a balanced diet without too much effort, with enough diligence to prevent relapse."

In terms of diet, he says, the person who wants to lose weight eventually get good knowledge but feels "difficult to put into practice." The next step consists in putting into practice in daily life, and in the most exceptional circumstances (holidays, invitations, holiday meals, restaurant).

As for physical activity, obese patients do not like much, then consider putting in place, "but often prove

psychological costs outweigh the benefits expected," admits Professor Golay. But then, the patient can take action and incorporate exercise into their daily lives.

In addition, eating disorders are not initially recognized by the person obese or overweight or can not be admitted by guilt. Then, it recognizes and identifies triggers eating behavior but can not cope. In the next stage, she finds

strategies to manage them. "In this criterion change specialist advocates must ensure the disappearance of cognitive restriction often associated to prevent relapse."

Other criteria to consider: food sensations. "The patient feels neither hunger nor satiety: the gastric distension that tells him he has to stop eating. Moreover, he often feels difficulty to differentiate between hunger, envy and some

emotions. It will therefore, first, find the sensation of hunger and satiety without the power into account. The next step is to eat according to these sensations just food, "says Prof. Golay.

If at the beginning of the treatment, the patient overweight is unable to identify his emotions, he will gradually feel them but can not name them. Once it becomes able to describe, he can begin to qualify and assess the intensity.Finally, the report body especially in the obese to the extent to alleviate their suffering, he "cut" of his body and  Fat Loss

looks even, avoiding mirrors, pictures and balance and s' dressing sloppily. "The goal, recommends Professor Golay, is to help reconnect to their body and feel it, then take care."

In conclusion, lose weight and maintain that loss is a long process. "Better understand where the difficulties

encountered in the management should improve monitoring and maintaining motivation. Finally help the patient become aware of his inner wealth is to help reduce the need fill with food "suggests the specialist.

Monday, 22 October 2012

31 Day Fat Loss Cure Scam - Breast cancer: weight loss

Breast cancer: weight loss reduces the risk in women with a BRCA1 mutation
Weight loss between 18 and 30 years 65% reduced risk of developing breast cancer in women with a mutation in the BRCA1

gene predisposing to this disease, say researchers at the conclusion of a study published in the journal "Breast Cancer Research".Steven Narod of the University of Toronto, and colleagues from other universities in Canada, the U.S. and Poland, after a thousand women, all wearing a mutation in one of two genes predisposing to breast cancer known BRCA1 and BRCA2  Fat Loss

The women were divided into two groups depending on whether they were infected or not breast cancer. After matching each other in terms of age, gene mutation carrier and the country of origin, it appears that "for women with a mutation in the BRCA1 gene, a weight loss of at least 5 kg was associated with a 65% reduction in cancer risk between 30 and 40 years. "

Conversely, women with a BRCA1 mutation who take at least 5 kg between the ages of 18 and 30 years were 44% more likely to develop breast cancer if they have two children.

The authors did, however, found no association between weight loss and the risk of breast cancer in carriers of BRCA2 mutation.

Customized Fat Loss Review - 4 Fat Burning Workout Exercises Great for fat loss

The results you get ... or not with your workouts are largely determined by the exercises you do. 30 minutes of

effective fat burning can do better than 60 minutes of the ineffectual. Your workouts should include a number of "types of exercises" so they can offer the best fat loss results.

Fat burning exercises to do
Doing these exercises helps you achieve two things:

1. You can do shorter workouts as they are not wasting their time on ineffective exercises Fat Loss Review

2. Increase your calorie burn rate during the same exercise and increase your metabolism for several hours after the workout itself.

These are the "kinds of exercise" and not specific exercises. You will have a range of exercise options within each of these types of exercises to your workouts, can be varied and never boring. What if it's always intense.

1. Jumping Exercises
I love jumping exercises because they are a great way to include short bursts of cardio in a strength training. If you

do these at the beginning of a entrenamientod will find that "it is much better to do strength exercises.

I usually start my training with a jumping exercise and include it as part of my circuit. My favorite exercises include the squat jump and lunge jumps (aka hop hop). However, burpees are also an excellent option.

Lunge jump squats and employ a lot of muscle under heavy stress: the weight of his body. Furthermore, the jump produces

cardiovascular stimulation contributes to the overall quality of fat burning exercises.Include a series of jumps in each of its routes in the future and you will feel and see the difference.

2. Squats and lunges
You may be thinking that this is a repetition of jumping exercises, but it is not. First, the jump squat and lunge can

be done in one direction, while there are a number of variations of lunges and squat exercises you can perform. A small sample are side squats, reverse lunges, squats, lunges bowing, rotational throws, etc. Most of these exercises can be done with no jumps.

Squat exercises,fat, can and should be done with dumbbells or weights to increase the intensity of exercise.

Third, some of the best exercises for burning fat are combination exercises. I'm talking about exercises like lunges

with bicep curls or squats with shoulder press. These are, in fact, two exercises done in one motion. Employing more muscles and burn fat faster.

3. Pushing exercise - Focus on chest
These are all pushing exercises and all targets are in the chest as his main force. As part of his body exercise routine, must include some pushing exercises. They work a lot of muscle mass in the chest, triceps and shoulders.

You can change your exercises with different grips pushing, not on an incline or decline position, and, of course, change the selection of specific exercises from one exercise to another.

4. Back focus
The end of "type of fat burning exercise" is the one that gets most of the attention in the muscles of the back.Exercises general drive back muscles and especially the biceps and shoulder muscles in a secondary way.

As the back contains a large amount of muscle tissue, traction exercises should be included to complete his routine fat burning session.

You have a series of exercises to choose from and many variations of each: pull-ups and push-ups, dumbbell rows, cable or rod, tubing extraction, and deadlift.

Friday, 19 October 2012

31 Day Fat Loss Cure Scam - Nutritionists recommend eating

Nutritionists recommend eating these products to anyone who wants to lose weight and keep the weight is normal.
According to experts, foods that burn fat is best to use for 30 minutes before a meal, while eating or after 1.5-2 hours
after. Also, many of them can bite, if you feel hungry between meals.
Foods that Day Fat Loss
1. Grapefruit
half a grapefruit or grapefruit fresh promotes the breakdown of fat and reduces insulin levels in the blood, which in
turn suppresses the desire to snack. Eat grapefruit before each meal or drink fresh grapefruit, for 2 weeks you can lose
weight 2-3 kg. 2. Cabbage Fresh cabbage contains tartronovuyu acid and vitamin U - bioactive compounds that inhibit the
conversion of carbohydrates into fat and prevent the accumulation of excess weight. 3. Pineapple In fresh pineapple has
an enzyme bromelain, which aids in digestion and helps break down fats. Consider, pineapple helps to ensure that the
food eaten is not being held at the waist and hips. But, alas, in the fight against excess weight accumulated over
several months or years, pineapple powerless. It is only in combination with fitness training and diet. 4. Lemon Clean
water with fresh lemon juice metabolism, displays the body of toxins, helps to establish the intestines and prevents
weight gain. 5. Kiwi These tropical fruits help cleanse the body, helping to set up the bowels, excrete waste products
and excess fluid. In addition, kiwi contain a powerful supply of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and
protects the body from the cold. To lose weight, try to eat fresh kiwi as a snack, and before each meal. 6. Green Tea
Green tea without sugar speeds up the metabolism, helps clean the body. They say that if you drink a day for 5 cups of
green tea, for 2 weeks to get rid of 2-4 kg. 7. Apples Eat an apple before or after every meal, it will help to restore
the required level of blood sugar. As a result, stable levels of hormones that influence appetite and saturation.
Notice! To lose weight and keep the weight is normal, you need every day to drink at least 1.5 liters of fresh water.
Without enough water your metabolism slows down, toxins piling up and deposited extra folds of the thighs and waist.

31 day fat loss cure scam - when the diet is a cure

The word "diet", is widely used in the lexicon as a tool for weight loss comes from the Greek díaita - lifestyle.

If losing weight can be a single campaign aimed at improving the internal and external factors that are responsible for the quality of life, medical diet, which means the food is the maintenance and improvement of a certain state - this is a

fundamentally different concept. Specifically, therapeutic diets that are required to the emergence of the disease and life, often prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, an important role in which she plays the liver.fat loss

Liver , in simple terms, acts as a filter for different injuring life and normal functioning of the body, substances.
Virtually all diseases that occur with a person somehow affect the liver, not to mention the "absolute evil" - alcohol, fatty, junk food, and medicines. Among other things, the liver has its "weak points" - it is for him "beat" somebacteria and viruses that cause functional damage to the cells. This can lead to hepatitis - inflammation of the liver.

Conventionally, Hepatitis - two versions: it is the bacteria that cause hepatitis A (infectious disease, disease of

"dirty hands", jaundice), and viruses - causing hepatitis B, C, and other, other - a complete list of all viral

hepatitis is quite wide. If in the case with bacterial hepatitis A is more or less clear, the viral hepatitis - this is

about-what-how-to-not-taken-talk-aloud. Some people believe that HCV affects only alcoholics, drug addicts and other people morally decaying and leading asocial way of life, in which the reign of evil and promiscuity and other debauchery. This is definitely a myth . Which generally shrouded in the entire history of the detection of the virus

that causes hepatitis. Stories and Myths about Hepatitis deserve a separate article, but for information, according toWHO statistics, only hepatitis B virus worldwide are infected over 2 billion people. And this is just the data from clinical studies. How many people can carry the virus but do not know about this (for reference - the hepatitis C virus- "gentle killer" - may be "sleeping in the body up to 15 years, does not prove itself and exposes) is anyone's guess.

Say that among this set of people is absolute and percentage of drug addicts, for example, is not necessary, but at the

same time, a considerable number of patients were infected through blood transfusions, surgery, dentistry, and as a result of the case - sad , but true fact. Hepatitis, by the way, one of the occupational health doctors - the

probability of infection of the patient from exposure to body fluids in the body. Despite the differences in course,diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the vital (vital prognosis - a combination of different factors, to judge whether it is possible Does cure disease, whether it will or not in the chronic form and what are the chances of recovery) ,

common in people who have had or continue to hurt any of the forms of hepatitis, one thing - the need to save as your liver. Even if the transferred hepatitis was completely disinfected, even if you remember about that liver cells have the ability to regenerate and restore, protect, and to spare her life. And, first of all, it is designed to do a strict diet - as the food here would be regarded not only as a means of generating energy, but also as an available remedy, of

course, in complex combination with drug therapy, if such there is a need for a doctor. doctor to develop a list ofmedical diets ("therapeutic tables"), in which several items are assigned a diet prescribed for liver diseases. In cure scam
particular, the diet number 5 , which is indicated for chronic hepatitis benign course. So, the goal of any diet for hepatitis - is to reduce the toxic effects on the liver by its mechanical and physical schazheniya, to prevent

exacerbation of disease, suffering and promote the restoration of disturbed functions of the liver, This meets the needs of the body for nutrients. Indeed, the list of permitted and prohibited foods - is not far from a secret, the worst inthe diet - is the need to maintain a balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Fats in large quantities to the liver is contraindicated because just as easily digestible, or simple, carbohydrates .

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Customized Fat Loss Review - How does keeping a low calorie diet makes you even fatter.

Let's see the influence of caloric restriction on the example of a typical "hudelschika":
Suppose that a man weighing 100 pounds with 18% content of body fat. His goal to lose 10 pounds. Composition body to the

diet: 18% fat - 18 kg 82 kg - dry weight Like most people, our hero assumes that the best way to lose fat info is to trim your diet to 1,500 calories a day. At week 1, he loses 2.5 kg and just happy. In the second week, he lost another 2

pounds. So from 3 to 6 weeks, he loses 1.5 kilograms per week and is seeking loss coveted 10-pounds. now our "hudelschik" weighs 90 pounds and continues to lose weight, not getting in the plateau (although the loss actually slowed ). If you come only to those criteria, then it has succeeded in doing so. But let's look at this more closely:

The composition of the body after the diet: 90 kg - total weight of 15% fat - 13.5 pounds 76.5 pounds - dry weight Total weight loss - 10 kg loss of fat - 4.5 kg loss of lean body mass (muscles) - 5.5 pounds. Thus, we see that if we estimate

the results of the diet in terms of changes in the composition of the body, our dietchik complete failure. Fifty-five percent of the lost pounds - it's muscle. Muscle loss it lower basal metabolic rate, and now he learns much less

calories than before. A prerequisite for this is the inverse process. Once diet is over, he throws it. Now, not many people have enough willpower to eat well for life unbearable suffering bouts of hunger. Sooner or later, almost all

break down and start to overeat. But even if you do not overeat, and just go back to your usual diet, it will be enough

to re-gain weight. After a few weeks, dietchik gets all his weight back (and a little top, just in case.) 6 weeks after the end of the diet: 100 kg - total weight of 23.5% - body fat 76.5 kg - dry weight Now he again weighs as much as

before. But there is a difference: it is now less muscle slower metabolism. This time will be even more difficult to lose weight

Customized Fat Loss Review - Drafts of fat burning. Oleg Turn

I spend too much eyes long ago the word "fat burning" - in ruhelslayf ( Learn the most popular community on healthy lifestyle - approx. Ta_Samaya_A) its constant use, and in my opinion it just brings all the confusion. The reason - just

say fat loss, as not everyone is starting to think about - who is working on what kind of fuel, how many minutes, how to run the heartbeat is necessary, and how to stand, and so on for the trees from the forest to be seen. A completely different way of thinking wound term "reduction in the Customized Fat - sort of the same, but the picture is quite different once asked for. 's not going to write a sensible post on this subject - are too long for one post, well, do

not write the same book, fitness trainers have enough . But promptly inserted into a small draft of its views on the

issue - who will be useful for earlier apologize for non-structural, but questions can pozadavat or argue that if in

doubt. Well, it's not exactly user-to-action - just speculation. 1) Where firewood Let's say you need to lose weight at 10 pounds. deficit of 1000 kcal per day - a 7 thousand a week, about the "worth" a kilogram of fat (including the fact

that in the cells, there is also the water that will be lost.) Total, in a very hard mode takes about 10 weeks to lose 10 pounds, and a deficit of about 70 thousand calories (lean mass naturally produces fewer calories - about 2.5-3

thousand calories per 1 kg, but a calorie deficit can estimate based on desired fat loss, it's still a primary goal). So you create a diet deficiency in 70 thousand calories, dividing it by 10 weeks to lose weight at 10 kg. Now ask the

thought, but how can the body take 70 thousand calories to cover the deficit? essentially only two options - fat and

muscle. The rest of small things (glycogen, plasma proteins, the proteins of the internal organs) can not believe her

little contribution (more important for health issues than actual weight loss.) On average, if a calorie deficit of no

more than 1000 calories a day (for an adult male, for women it is a lot) loss in lean mass is 25-30%. It is a

statistical average. And this is a logical result - because it is impossible to cover such a huge deficit of calories

from any other tissue - weight loss would be too great, and would lead to death. So if you still have nowhere to take so much more energy material, then why the hell soared about when and where it will burn? You spent 30 minutes on the

treadmill or 60 - you can still create a calorie deficit, which must be met, and in the end it will still be covered by

25-30% of lean tissue and fat from 70-75. You can indefinitely meditate on the biochemical processes taking place at the

moment in the muscle fiber, about the kind of fuel used during the pulse of what muscles - but the results of the day,

week, month, "debit with credit" will be announced and still is the most massive part will account for the loss of body

fat (so that there is a week - the results of the next meal will be all decided - on the track you spent 400-600

calories, and ate 600-800, that's the time to think about biochemistry). 2) Ok, then what about steam? As an option -

the preservation of muscle tissue to contribute lean weight loss was less fat then he will understand how he "burned" -

if more "burn" nothing, what are the options? What can reduce the loss of muscle mass? First, an adequate balance of

nutrients (enough protein in the diet, a lot of carbohydrates relative to fat in the diet - or a shift to a pure

glycoprivous mode, but with a high percentage of fat, in order to put the body on ketone bodies, if not scary). Second

(though important can even first) workout. Simple logic - that raises muscle mass and helps her keep. One can go to

write about the mechanisms of this total, but the key - increase anabolic hormone levels and the "activation" of the

genetic apparatus in muscle cells to these hormones was much attached. Obviously, this is ideal for strength training

(for beginners, in principle, any intensive training.) How many and which ones? If a set of muscle mass you need about

30-50 reps (number of raised bars) with 75-85% of the maximum re-per muscle group, but preferably 2 or slightly more

times a week (4-5 times in two weeks), to hold Muscle training volume to be scaled back by about two thirds, and the

intensity raise - that is, about 10-15 reps per muscle group with 80-90% of maximum reuse, and a little less often - 3-4

times in 2 weeks (here You can use some Vitovskaya scheme, but without failure). Clearly, it is for the advanced - so do

not sign, you need to carefully approach the choice of exercises, their placement in the program, since the low calorie

levels can decline to work doubly careful. Back room can be cut to hell, or on some days as non-intensive cardio.

usually coming in the other way around - the intensity is reduced to 65-76% of maximum, and the reps increase by 1.5-2

times - in order to burn fat and prorelefitsya. The result is a standard alignment for the loss of fat / lean mass - why

keep the body muscles if not lifted heavy weights? excess volume and excess intensity nothing good promises - muscle

mass and strength will be lost, recovery is bad, the risk of injury. By the way, to keep power rates - the main goal, because some muscle mass quickly returns with increasing caloric intake, simply by glycogen and water. And if you are 10

pounds lighter and held the same results in power - then you increase absolute strength, since they lifted more per kilogram of body weight. In general, for weight loss results should be recalculated per kg, so evident. every way VIIT (high intensity interval cardio and all) - I would have cleaned all. On mechanisms is very similar to the work force, only worse parameterized, more often injure muscles (the same race requires a longer recovery), well, again, the risk of

injury - a heavy hammer with high intensity and control equipment. Cardio - in high intensity, days of rest. Here it is

possible in principle to think about partitioning - 40-60 minutes on an empty stomach will increase the loss of fat

mass, but the main thing is to increase the cost of calories, so you can use cut diet. 3) all at once. above described

scheme - the most reasonable option, the working and predictable. But he has one drawback - long lasting, works well

with long planned the annual cycle. Often, all they want all at once. Here again, no need to think about where and when

it will burn fat - you never just do not know, in the body of a pure processes almost did not happen - no clean aerobic, anaerobic work is not pure, there is no that 40 minutes does not burn fat off, and then bang, and caught fire. need to

think about three things - hormonal changes, diet, and grind. To quickly get a nice result, you need to put the body in a very unusual conditions, to make him quickly and briskly to change the whole scheme of existence. This requires quite

redraw training - everything must be unusual and great intensity. There is just work schemes, in which hell understand

what the body adapt - Power + + VIIT cardio, and in the most grueling combination. Those who have read the chapter on burning fat at Smirnova - this is it. If you force the body to adapt, alter hormones - then he will understand how it

burn fat and build the muscle. Diet - everything here is difficult. On the one hand, the complex adaptation requires a

lot of calories - in nizkokaloriyke such things are not done (in part why they are loved by those who are not in

nutritional boom boom - again Smirnov, yeah). At least, almost izokaloriyny diet (weight with stable or very slightly

reduced, and the percentage of fat becomes progressively less), plus alternate between days caloric exercise and rest,

well, you can interchange the nutrients too. Minus - have advanced to fitnesistov izokaloriynom diet is all not work,

and cut dumb, because there are risks or lose muscle or grind to get into, and with a whistle. Therefore, such schemes

often make friends with and used by professional farmpodderzhkoy fitnesistami for quick drying - here on the principle

against scrap no reception, a cocktail of anabolic steroids, growth hormone, stimulants (caffeine, ephedrine - it's like

Vitaminka), something of β2 agonists (clenbuterol) , thyroid hormones. In short, changing hormones, but not the burning

of the pistol, and moisten the continental missile - then turn quickly and beautifully. Or it does not, and will be

painful and sad. Well understandable grind - for nehimichaschih athletes is very likely it is in the scheme, even in the literal sense of the word - in addition banal sores (immune system) and injuries really can drive and the nervous system - especially on low calories. Difficult to adapt to the body with mixed incentives. In general, recently more and more

like the circuit, where on one training is all in the same style of work - the nervous system much easier to understand

what to do in such a case. However, it usually is easier - this is seen in CrossFit workouts and all types bodyrock -

newcomers are not train as hard as people think, and usually eat more than they think, because everything runs fine, but it is not a "dry" way, and work on the PFD with associated bonuses in the form of a small reduction in the percentage of fat (for beginners that do not make such a result almost always comes out - and therefore eternal debate which is

better, running, strength, Cindy Crawford VHS or Bodyflex for weight loss - a beginner's almost one kind of load). Of the minuses - only works for beginners, to a low percentage of fat so do not get in most cases, the muscles will not be

able to keep (though, so you can have a model-anorexic look, with blocks without everything else, sometimes without the libido), and of the security of all these initiatives a lot of questions. Basically, a reasonable approach to diet and

sport, some basic training, and preferably a small break in the classroom, detraining easy - you can achieve good results in the style of "all at once" (example one, two). Another question is to know what you're doing and you need to

still have a long-term strategy, as a way out of this regime (very easy rollback can occur in the results - although,

again, it is easy to avoid if you do the right things). Variant with long cycles I articulate more and more like it - in terms of the stability of the result, security, even good, much better to have a coherent long strategy than trying for

the umpteenth time to solve everything in a hurry. It is much easier to plan and manage the process, if one cycle - one goal, one workout - one goal than when all are mixed in the bunch. fat loss - it is a local process, it is the price paid in the store cash. You can stand for hours to think better rasplatityas the family budget - small coins or change for a large bill, although it is clear that the family budget is better to earn more and be moderate in spending.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Customized Fat Loss Review - Fats and carbohydrates. Mix or not mix. (On the dietary mythology)

Invoke'll Alan Aragon, he will endure. Prejudice against fat and carbohydrates - another way to complicate your life in such a difficult task, as the regulation of weight. It is believed that losing weight fats and carbohydrates should not

only reduce, but do not mix together. We as usual: his forehead hurt oneself fools, rushing into extremes: fat and carbohydrates almost completely eliminated, or used only by one. (Well, long time no one can withstand.) Where did this come from? Fat Loss The standard American diet is traditionally dominated by carbohydrates (52%) and fat (33%), protein trailed

behind (15%). When the prevalence of obesity began to burst trouser belts, this is easy and naturally sweet couple accused of fats and carbohydrates. True, fitness counters and chela almost always sit on the high protein (and low-carb) diet, these fats division carbohydrates virtually no impact would be. And yet, in the need to break the bike does the

rest believe many desperate guys who sought and still could not find his "magical way." voice of reason one of the biggest shortcomings of the theory of "do not bother me does the rest" in that that ordinary people the body is almost never in a state of "fasting", except in the morning just after waking up. Most regular eating, and because arriving in stomach portions of food that are mixed with each other, the levels of glucose, insulin, amino acids, and lipids are always higher than in the fasting state. And if in the stomach the food is always present, then why would think that you

can avoid the mixing of fats and carbohydrates, their different ways for a few hours? And by the way, and really whether this mix somehow hinders weight loss? Fasten your seat belts, now there will be data. Concerns division 's what really infuriates: when someone says something, but it is not ready to confirm his words even have any data. The statement that fats and carbohydrates do not mix, just one of them. I know of only one study that compared the separation of fat intake

with carbohydrates and mixed. Both groups lost a lot of weight. Moreover, those who got a mixed diet lost more weight

(though not so much to recognize the data statistically significant). Researchers concluded that, despite popular

misconception, the division of macronutrients has advantages in terms of metabolic effects. More evidence in the relatively recent study examined the effects of three different diets (each about 1,400 calories a day) for eight weeks, followed by four support of the week. In these diets were the proportions of macronutrients on: a) low-fat (70% carbohydrate, 10% fat, 20% protein), b) high in unsaturated fat (50% carbohydrate, 30% fat, 20% protein) and c) low-carb

( 4% carbohydrate, 61% fat, 35% protein). None of the subjects were not informed that you must separate fats and carbohydrates, therefore, those who sat on vysokozhirnoy diet were to lose the least, and the reason for it - a terrible mixture of carbohydrate and fat, right? Well, guys: no significant differences among the three groups were found - neither in weight loss or fat loss. And it's no difference was observed in spite of the obvious influence of different

diets on fasting insulin levels. Another study compared two diets of 1500 kcal: ketogenic and neketogennuyu. Insulin sensitivity uluchishilas same in both cases. On neketogennoy level of fat loss diet is not smaller, although it was attended by 40% carbohydrate and 30% fat. In fact neketogennaya group lost more weight and fat than the ketogenic, though not enough to recognize the difference statistically significant. Consequently, the threat of a slowdown in weight loss due to the mixing of carbohydrates and fats simply imaginary. nail in the coffin of the subject masses of

research are untrained people with obesity. And yet, no evidence that the mixing of fats and carbohydrates complicate weight loss was found. If these studies are carried out on the athletic people, the difference would be even less, because at sports guys glucose metabolism and insulin Company now much better. conclusion is: if you blackness balance of macronutrients during the day, you can safely put the peanut butter in oatmeal (with desire). Leave neroticheskieeating habits to those who believe in fairy tales.

Customized Fat Loss Review - Golden rules STROYNYASHECHKI (STROYNEEM together!)

STROYNYASHECHKI (STROYNEEM together!) Our Golden Rules: 1. Set realistic achievable (long-term) goal. 2. Find a worthy

motive for weight loss and draw in its power in order to resist the temptation. 3. If hudeesh faster than 0.5-1,0 kg per

week, think - what you Customized Fat ? -For this is the maximum physiological rate of fat loss. 4. Never go hungry, because the

terrible famine in his hanging ice dams. Remember, it is difficult to overcome their passions, but to meet them - impossible! 5. Do not skip breakfast. He - the source of your strength and energy for the day. 6. Eat more often, but with a break of at least 2 hours. Think, want-it-and we should know. 7. The last meal at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.

8. Always Eat daily requirement of protein: 0.7-1.0 g of protein per kg body weight. 9. Watch the carbohydrates, to get

healthy fats in order to speed up weight loss. Eat plenty of vegetables and other herbs that are rich in fiber and vitamins cleansing refreshing. 10. Not a trace of weights stroyneniem but also centimeter tryaposhnym. 11. Condition handling of the day are: frequency of not more than 1 time per week, feel comfortable and not hungry. 12. Increase

physical activity, but without fanaticism. 13. Do not criticize yourself, but only heap praise and grow thin. 14. Glad to get rid of your extra weight each, and if there will be stagnation in siem fact - do not be depressed, and go your

way. And be sure to come to their goal. 15. And do not forget to do "komppress" (sitting at a computer back straight and plunging the tummy) - strengthens the press in the process of communication. - straighten your posture: Stand up straight, arms hanging along the body, raised his shoulders to his ears, a little taken back and shoulder freely Fat Losswithout

straining shoulders thrown down. The back turns relaxed and straight. It's always and walk! 16. Every day in the evening be accountable to Stroynyashechkami eaten on the day. Together, let us continue on this path without overcoming contrived obstacles with ease for a healthy, young and slender body!

31 day fat loss cure scam - diet that helps to effectively (and most importantly safely) reduce the amount of fat tissue in the body, is the best.

At the same time, and health status should be good. negative result diet include: • an additional weight gain •

exacerbation of chronic diseases • unwell • muscle loss and dehydration • If during the diet appear above condition, it means only one thing - a diet composed it is wrong or you just do not fit. Even if the results of weight loss is, but ill health - too high a fee for it. there is a third option - to neutral. Diet may not bring any results, neither

positive nor negative. For example, the weight is here to stay, or at first diet was gone, and then returned again. fat loss cure Also keep in mind that weight loss will only be positive when it occurred with a decrease in body fat, not muscle mass or reduce the amount of water in the body. vesosnizhayuschey to the neutral result is a diet and general cleansing of the

body, such as the gastrointestinal tract, skin, etc. In addition the result of diet may vary depending on the individual person. Of its original weight, height, presence of concomitant diseases, metabolism, state of mind and a lot of things. But, sometimes, just to achieve a positive result is not enough. Much more important to fix and maintain the resulting weight, or at least control it. Make it much more complicated than just to lose weight. It will require endurance, a

strong desire to remain in the acquired form, mental attitude and patience. Diet not only helps people lose weight and feel better, it also creates conditions for further proper and moderate food. It is like laying the foundation for

future building. It is therefore very important to the process of losing weight. Do not try to lose weight quickly, because such rapid weight loss - it is stressful for the body. In addition, such a weight to keep the later will be difficult. Most people, grown thin quickly, under great mental stress. Ending a strict diet for them is a kind abroad, they need to move as quickly as possible. As a result, when the diet is over, they break down and begin to eat more in

larger numbers than before the diet. Therefore the results of painful strict diet often even negative. Let the weight is coming off slowly, then it will be easier to control and more familiar, and for the body is a lot easier. During any diet should learn to eat right, from time to time, avoiding the many snacks. It is better to have a bulk food that is low in calories, can long to digest and leave you feeling full. This is usually different protein products, cereals and vegetable fiber rich vegetables and fruits. The more nourishing, but at the same time, moderate calorie you eat, the easier it will be to give up snacking. Need to accustom the body to get all the nutrients you need in the morning: then

he will be able not only to fully digest and efficiently spend, do not hesitate in reserve. It was in the morning faster the metabolism and energy intensive critical biochemical reactions occur, and the implementation of which need more

energy in the form of food. easiest rule to lose weight - burn more calories than you consume through food. Accordingly, if you spend calories as much as comes with the meal - you learn to control and keep your weight in a given interval.

Diet provides a good foundation for the future, sets you up to improve the appearance and health. But she prepares for continuous operation on themselves and their own style of life. The result of any diet will only be considered to be achieved when it is able to develop a person's personal health lifestyle: moderate to good nutrition, physical activity and joyful perception of the world. 

31 day fat loss cure scam - Fat Fast for Kekviku revised Atkins

Fat Fast for Kekviku revised Atkins If you do not poluchetsya move the arrow on the scale, despite the fact that you are

in the induction phase, a few days this power mode allows you to rock your metabolic resistance. Some people are so

metabolically resistant that only a very limited power can shift their metabolism from the spot. Once you have

eliminated the medicines to cure candidiasis and solved the fat loss problems with reduced thyroid function (if one of the above

still is present, perhaps it is the cause of decreased metabolism), almost all overweight people, supporting nutrition

is on Atkins, successfully lowers the extra pounds . However there are a few people who even this is not enough, they

need a more radical procedure. To help these metabolically resistant people, Dr. Atkins developed the program, which he

calls "the most effective weight loss." The basis of the program went to study British scientists Alan Kekvik and Gaston

Pawan, a Frederick Benoit poddtverdil effectiveness of this program for fat loss, comparable to the results, except that

the absolute starvation, and surpassing it, and why the program is called Post. This diet consists of 1000 calories a

day and 90% fat. No other mode of weight loss did not correspond to its ability to burn stored fat. Dr. Atkins diet

Kekvika changed to make it as enjoyable as possible and called it "Fat Fast." He oproboval this program for many

patients, and concluded that the "Fat Fast" is the most effective way to burn fat for those who have been unable to lose

weight any other safe drug-free way. Kekvika diet causes lipolysis, which burns fat. Lipolysis can occur if there is a

significant source of glucose. Since all carbohydrates and some kind of protein is converted to glucose by excluding

them from power, leaving him with basically just fat, even the most stable metabolism goes into lipolysis. This is

ensured by the 90% fat diet. Lowering the amount of calories to a certain level accelerates burning zhira so min. limit

- 1,000 kk. Fat Fast - it is the only program of Dr. Atkins, where you need to count calories. You eat 1000 calories a

day with 75 - 90%, comprised of fat. Frequent snacking prevent hunger better than three full meals a day, so that you

consume foods 5 times a day, perhaps every four hours, each of which consists of 200 calories. Because of the high fat

content and frequent snacking, very few people are hungry. The stumbling block for some people - no ordinary food. But

many agree to adhere to the post a few days, despite the fact that the choice of food is not rich. Caution: Fat Fast is

not recommended for those who consistently lose weight on other types of low-carbohydrate food, since the rate of fat

loss on this program is too high to make it safe nazvat . But it is absolutely safe for people with high metabolic

resistance. Step One: Eat mostly fat. Begin with five meals at 200 calories and eat well for four or five days. Each of

the following products contain about 200 calories: - one ounce of macadamia nuts and macadamia nut oil , two ounces of

cream cheese or Brie , one ounce of tuna or chicken salad with two teaspoons of mayonnaise in a quarter of the avocado

halves, requirements Two eggs made ​​with two teaspoons of mayonnaise two ounces of sour cream, cream and two

tablespoons black or red caviar two and a half ounces of whipped cream with sahorozamenitelem sucralose-0kk. , two

ounces of pâté (be sure to check the contents of the package to the lack of sugar, starch and other additives and / and

fat), - Two egg yolks (hard-boiled) with one tablespoon of mayonnaise Step Two: Change the Fat Fast. Increasing the

ratio of fat-to-carbohydrate and reducing calories, such dietary management did its job, and now need to return to a

more liberal diet. Now you have to eat four times a day, 300 cc, which makes a total of 1200 calories. This food will

continue to work at burning fat, but with great choice, here's a rough snacking options: two ounces of beef (do not cut

fat) prigotovlennyx in two tablespoons of olive oil , two eggs - eggs with two strips of bacon without nitrate two

tablespoons of full-fat sour cream with a tablespoon of sugar-free syrup -2 tablespoons heavy cream (30%) with sweetener

- a quarter cup chicken or tuna salad with 2 tablespoons mayonnaise - 3 ounces of pâté (check the packaging) and a half

ounces macadamia nuts Step Three: Return to the induction. 1200kk Eat for a week, then it is important to return to the

induction or just change the ratio of protein-fat. Often the cause of failure in the process of shedding weight -

difficulty in carrying out the program, but there is practically no such cases where it is absolutely impossible to lose weight.

31 day fat loss cure scam Weigh the pros and cons: Pros and cons of low-calorie diets

The very concept of "diet" is associated with the ordering of the diet. But more often added to the ordering and restrictions just calorie of food consumed. This is associated with the view that reducing calorie daily diet, we force

the body to use existing fat stores. And consequently, a decrease in weight. The average rate of energy intake for women is 1,500 calories a day, and for men - 2200 kcal. Diets that restrict calorie intake below normal (1000-1200 calories a day) are considered low-calorie. fat loss cure These diets include the British diet , diet Larisa Dolina , Chinese diet , vegetable

diet , Japanese diet and many others. From each other, they differ only by the range of products. The "fast" diets that promise disappearance 5-10 kg for 2 weeks, contain several "limitations." For example, the Japanese diet is also a low-calorie, and salt-free diet. low-calorie diet may give you an expert, but do not access it without a medical

indication. Such diets are prescribed for severe obesity with concomitant diseases for rapid weight loss. One of the indicators of whether you have obesity, body mass index . It is calculated by the formula: weight in kilograms divided by height in inches. For people with a body mass index greater than 30, even very severe low calorie diet will not cause any harm. But if your body mass index less than 27, such a diet is dangerous because they can lead to exhaustion and

frustration of normal feeding and irreversible metabolic disorders. Low-calorie diets are not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, young people and people over 50. main advantage is the low-calorie diets rapid weight loss in a

short period of time. It is often necessary to facilitate disease related to obesity: high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol. Nutritionists combine low-calorie diet with behavioral therapy to change the eating habits of the patient. But when there are no objective reasons for the extra weight reduction, it is better to choose a traditional

long-term plan to lose weight. main disadvantage of this diet is to replace the target. Drastically reducing calorie intake, you can achieve weight loss, but it is impossible to get rid of excess fat. From lost during this diet only 5 kg 1 kg - a loss of fat. Everything else - the volume of intestinal contents, water and muscle mass. These diets are not

long-lasting. Most often it is 10-14 days. Longer use of ineffective diets for weight loss because the body begins to adapt to new types of food, reducing their energy consumption and weight loss stops. But there are people who are ready to comply with such a diet for life. Only life they long. Known fact - in 1999 from anorexia and dieting 18,000 women died at the age of 35. Healthy eating includes a diet that contains foods from all the food groups. Unfortunately, the

majority of low-calorie diets are not balanced power system. Significant decrease in calories is achieved due to the fact that the basis of diets consist of the products of certain food groups (for example, proteins or carbohydrates).

With prolonged use of monocomponent diets in the body there is a critical lack of specific vitamins and minerals. For example, vitamin B12 is not present in foods of plant origin. And if you eat only plant foods, the deficiency of this vitamin can lead to a deterioration of the nervous system, and anemia. Categorical rejection of complex carbohydrates can lead to nervous disorders and depression. Among other signs of vitamin deficiency: dry, brittle hair and nails, gray complexion, dull eyes, anemia, osteoporosis. One of the most common side effects of low-calorie diets is the formation

of stones in the gallbladder. The reason is that the low-calorie diet decreases the amount emitted into the body of bile. Unsplit fat raises blood cholesterol levels, and excess cholesterol crystallizes in the gall bladder in the form of stones. But the big disadvantage of low-calorie diets - weight after they frequently return, even to excess. During a low-calorie diet in the body slows down the metabolism and biochemical changes occur, in particular, become more active

and increase lipogenetic enzymes. Studies Medical Center in Los Angeles found that after low-calorie diet reduced fat splitting enzymes doubled and lipogenetic enzymes, in contrast, have doubled. Thus, every hard limit caloric intake only activates the body's ability to store fat tissue.

Returning to the usual diet after a low calorie diet, the body begins to store fat. Moreover, changing the distribution of newly recruited fat. The body carefully it "hides" and no fat is deposited between the muscles and skin, and in the abdominal cavity, near the internal organs. This so-called visceral obesity and threatens it with various diseases. Despite all the warnings of experts, the people again and again to get
on the "fast" and rigid diet, then gain even more weight ... and get depressed! An understandable state when after so many test weight is not just returning, but returned with a vengeance. But you just need to understand that in order to be healthy and slim, you need to build a system of eating, to stick with it for life.

31 Day Fat Loss Cure Scam

Fats and carbohydrates. Mix or not mix. (On the dietary mythology)
Invoke'll Alan Aragon, he will endure. Prejudice against fat and carbohydrates - another way to complicate your life in

such a difficult task, as the regulation of weight. It is believed that losing weight fats and carbohydrates should not

only reduce, but do not mix together. We as usual: his forehead hurt oneself fools, rushing into extremes: fat and

carbohydrates almost completely eliminated, or used only by one. (Well, long time no one can withstand.) Where did this  31 Day Fat Loss

come from? The standard American diet is traditionally dominated by carbohydrates (52%) and fat (33%), protein trailed

behind (15%). When the prevalence of obesity began to burst trouser belts, this is easy and naturally sweet couple

accused of fats and carbohydrates. True, fitness counters and chela almost always sit on the high protein (and low-carb)

diet, these fats division carbohydrates virtually no impact would be. And yet, in the need to break the bike does the

rest believe many desperate guys who sought and still could not find his "magical way." voice of reason one of the

biggest shortcomings of the theory of "do not bother me does the rest" in that that ordinary people the body is almost

never in a state of "fasting", except in the morning just after waking up. Most regular eating, and because arriving in

stomach portions of food that are mixed with each other, the levels of glucose, insulin, amino acids, and lipids are

always higher than in the fasting state. And if in the stomach the food is always present, then why would think that you

can avoid the mixing of fats and carbohydrates, their different ways for a few hours? And by the way, and really whether

this mix somehow hinders weight loss? Fasten your seat belts, now there will be data. Concerns division 's what really

infuriates: when someone says something, but it is not ready to confirm his words even have any data. The statement that

fats and carbohydrates do not mix, just one of them. I know of only one study that compared the separation of fat intake

with carbohydrates and mixed. Both groups lost a lot of weight. Moreover, those who got a mixed diet lost more weight

(though not so much to recognize the data statistically significant). Researchers concluded that, despite popular

misconception, the division of macronutrients has advantages in terms of metabolic effects. More evidence in the

relatively recent study examined the effects of three different diets (each about 1,400 calories a day) for eight weeks,

followed by four support of the week. In these diets were the proportions of macronutrients on: a) low-fat (70%

carbohydrate, 10% fat, 20% protein), b) high in unsaturated fat (50% carbohydrate, 30% fat, 20% protein) and c) low-carb

( 4% carbohydrate, 61% fat, 35% protein). None of the subjects were not informed that you must separate fats and

carbohydrates, therefore, those who sat on vysokozhirnoy diet were to lose the least, and the reason for it - a terrible

mixture of carbohydrate and fat, right? Well, guys: no significant differences among the three groups were found -

neither in weight loss or fat loss. And it's no difference was observed in spite of the obvious influence of different

diets on fasting insulin levels. Another study compared two diets of 1500 kcal: ketogenic and neketogennuyu. Insulin

sensitivity uluchishilas same in both cases. On neketogennoy level of fat loss diet is not smaller, although it was

attended by 40% carbohydrate and 30% fat. In fact neketogennaya group lost more weight and fat than the ketogenic,

though not enough to recognize the difference statistically significant. Consequently, the threat of a slowdown in

weight loss due to the mixing of carbohydrates and fats simply imaginary. nail in the coffin of the subject masses of

research are untrained people with obesity. And yet, no evidence that the mixing of fats and carbohydrates complicate

weight loss was found. If these studies are carried out on the athletic people, the difference would be even less,

because at sports guys glucose metabolism and insulin Company now much better. conclusion is: if you blackness balance

of macronutrients during the day, you can safely put the peanut butter in oatmeal (with desire). Leave neroticheskie eating habits to those who believe in fairy tales.

31 day fat loss cure scam - Golden rules STROYNYASHECHKI (STROYNEEM together!)

STROYNYASHECHKI (STROYNEEM together!) Our Golden Rules: 1. Set realistic achievable (long-term) goal. 2. Find a worthy motive for weight loss and draw in its power in order to resist the temptation. 3. If hudeesh faster than 0.5-1,0 kg per

week, think - what you lose? -For this is the maximum physiological rate of fat loss. 4. Never go hungry, because the

terrible famine in his hanging ice dams. Remember, it is difficult to overcome their passions, but to meet them - impossible! 5. Do not skip breakfast. He - the source of your strength and energy for the day. 6. Eat more often, but with a break of at least 2 hours. Think, want-it-and we should know. 7. The last meal at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.

8. Always Eat daily requirement of protein: 0.7-1.0 g of protein per kg body fat loss scam. 9. Watch the carbohydrates, to get healthy fats in order to speed up weight loss. Eat plenty of vegetables and other herbs that are rich in fiber and vitamins cleansing refreshing. 10. Not a trace of weights stroyneniem but also centimeter tryaposhnym. 11. Condition

handling of the day are: frequency of not more than 1 time per week, feel comfortable and not hungry. 12. Increase physical activity, but without fanaticism. 13. Do not criticize yourself, but only heap praise and grow thin. 14. Glad to get rid of your extra weight each, and if there will be stagnation in siem fact - do not be depressed, and go your

way. And be sure to come to their goal. 15. And do not forget to do "komppress" (sitting at a computer back straight and plunging the tummy) - strengthens the press in the process of communication. - straighten your posture: Stand up

straight, arms hanging along the body, raised his shoulders to his ears, a little taken back and shoulder freely without straining shoulders thrown down. The back turns relaxed and straight. It's always and walk! 16. Every day in the evening be accountable to Stroynyashechkami eaten on the day.

Together, let us continue on this path without overcoming contrived obstacles with ease for a healthy, young and slender body!