Friday 2 November 2012

Customized Fat Loss Review - Hollywood Celebrity Diet

Hollywood Celebrity Diet
Nowadays, celebrities of Hollywood, trying to lose weight quickly, you know that often make mistakes that adversely affect their health. Here are some examples of errors.

Fast diet
Customized Fat Review : If the celebrity gained a few extra pounds, they have their own recipe for "rapid weight loss for the preparation of party or festival. There are more tips from the stars how to lose weight in 1 day.

Doctor’s and nutritionists have often warned that the fight against excess weight does not need to adhere to fashion. Much high-speed diet, which nowadays is very popular, based on the loss of body fluids and the way people lose weight, but when you restore your normal way of eating - your weight will come back.

Strict diet
They are very well balanced and thus dangerous to your health. Contrary to the above long-term weight loss program diets more forgiving. With such a program, you'll lose about one kilogram a week, if you'll engage in any sport of your choice, and diet. Many Hollywood celebrities lose weight is on a strict diet. Thus, there is a list of popular Hollywood diets that are both pros and cons:

Cabbage Soup Diet
Cabbage Soup Diet is favorite diet of Sarah Michelle Gellar, who is a fan of fast weight loss.  With such a diet for a week (7 days), you can eat cabbage with vegetables, chicken, fish, fruit and all kinds of cabbage soup. With this diet you can lose weight in a week AR4, 5 kg, as a feature of cabbage - fat burning.

Impact on health
When using the cabbage diet the metabolism, since after the first week of the diet the human body as a "fuel" use proteins. Thus, you lose muscle mass, not fat.

Pros diet
In a lot of these can be consumed dietary products: fruits, juices, vegetables, all kinds of soups. It is very effective - a week on the diet, you can lose weight. It is suitable for a as a small cleansing of the body. If necessary, lose a few pounds of dialed, you can use this diet Fat Loss Review
Cons diet
The diet is very low in calories, so the body will consume carbohydrate reserves (liquid), not fat. Fat is burned.
Lack of many trace elements and vitamins suggests that diet is not balanced. This diet is not effective, because it helps to change the habitual eating. When changing eating behavior, at the end of such a diet, going into the rhythm of life, carbohydrate reserves may come back. Excessive consumption of vegetables, including cabbage, adversely affects digestion. Not everyone can get cabbage diet to a successful conclusion, because it requires enormous willpower.

Customized Fat Loss Review - Causes of excessive weight during pregnancy

First of all, wrong to think that the mother is assumed to eat as much as possible - for two. Many women during pregnancy to monitor the cease-balanced diet and allow yourself to relax, justifying it with the needs of the child.
Customized Fat: Second, a woman, a child waiting, often much less move, that is not consumed energy obtained from food. In addition, the pregnancy - is always stressful for women, the reorganization of all body systems. Starts a special mechanism to protect the unborn child, it is actively formed a layer of fat in the abdomen, thighs and waist.
Third, the emergence of excess weight can also depend on the bad heredity. Genes are more suited for your body type. If one of your parents has a tendency to gain weight, then it will increase the risk that you will be overweight. And it increases even more so if those extra pounds are two of your parents. But, while the disposition and effect on your figure, you inherit from your parents is not an exact weight, but only possible weight.
Also, all depends on your diet and mobility. We inherit, unfortunately, only a predisposition to overweight and inclination to set temporary weight loss. Predisposition to overweight and distribution of fat cells during pregnancy and the postpartum period in almost all cases, defined in terms of a combination of genes.
In the end, weight gain during pregnancy may also cause a delay in the body fluids, as well as certain obstetric problems, a condition in which, among other symptoms and signs observed retardation of the liquid.
Pretty sad statistic: 20 percent of young women and 40 percent of women under the age of thirty years, and almost half of the women in the age of forty have extra pounds and the associated problems. For whatever reason, some are slender, no matter what, and the others are fighting every excess fat cell? And it is precisely to the number of calories consumed. The relationship between accumulative and burns calories in the form of fat depends on various factors.
 If you will burn the entire calorie intake - your weight will change. But if suddenly you eat more than you burn, the excess calories will go straight to your fat. Fat Loss Review There are some factors on which we can establish whether you have a predisposition to rapid weight gain. And if this trend is present, then you can correct it before it is so late.
 Weight more than 13 pounds, which won for the period of pregnancy, weight loss and maintenance for six months after birth are signs of long-term obesity, because after ten years at the former weight, which was not reset, usually recruited for about eight pounds. All this leads to endocrine disorders, which themselves hard to cope. And so it is important to tune in to losing weight and take on the shape.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

31 Day Fat Loss - Weight loss

 diet and physical activity, the binomial unavoidable, provided that they remain motivated ...

If diet and exercise are essential ingredients for weight loss, motivation remains essential, followed by other criteria changes develops Prof. Alain Golay (Geneva).

"Losing weight is not a problem of pounds! It is a long and tedious process quickly demotivating for both the patient and the caregiver. The challenge is to achieve systematic management while supporting motivation in the long term, "says Dr. Golay, in the introduction to his article.

According to him, this motivation to maintain both patient and caregiver, it is important to have criteria other than weight change.

"Seven criteria have been chosen for this problem in an obese patient and what is done in some centers," says the specialist quote: motivation, nutrition, physical activity, behavior disorders food, food sensations, emotions and the body.

According to him, the motivation is personal or aesthetic expectations ("If I lose weight, I can finally find a soul mate") for reasons of health ("If I lose weight, my diabetes will improve") or to internal motivation ("if I lose weight, I'm more in line with my values").

At the end of slimming, the patient accepts the weight obtained even if it does not match the idealized weight and finds the balance between the effort required to manage their weight and the benefits it derives. Last of all, says the doctor, "the goal is reached if the patient follows a balanced diet without too much effort, with enough diligence to prevent relapse."

In terms of diet, he says, the person who wants to lose weight eventually get good knowledge but feels "difficult to put into practice." The next step consists in putting into practice in daily life, and in the most exceptional circumstances (holidays, invitations, holiday meals, restaurant).

As for physical activity, obese patients do not like much, then consider putting in place, "but often prove

psychological costs outweigh the benefits expected," admits Professor Golay. But then, the patient can take action and incorporate exercise into their daily lives.

In addition, eating disorders are not initially recognized by the person obese or overweight or can not be admitted by guilt. Then, it recognizes and identifies triggers eating behavior but can not cope. In the next stage, she finds

strategies to manage them. "In this criterion change specialist advocates must ensure the disappearance of cognitive restriction often associated to prevent relapse."

Other criteria to consider: food sensations. "The patient feels neither hunger nor satiety: the gastric distension that tells him he has to stop eating. Moreover, he often feels difficulty to differentiate between hunger, envy and some

emotions. It will therefore, first, find the sensation of hunger and satiety without the power into account. The next step is to eat according to these sensations just food, "says Prof. Golay.

If at the beginning of the treatment, the patient overweight is unable to identify his emotions, he will gradually feel them but can not name them. Once it becomes able to describe, he can begin to qualify and assess the intensity.Finally, the report body especially in the obese to the extent to alleviate their suffering, he "cut" of his body and  Fat Loss

looks even, avoiding mirrors, pictures and balance and s' dressing sloppily. "The goal, recommends Professor Golay, is to help reconnect to their body and feel it, then take care."

In conclusion, lose weight and maintain that loss is a long process. "Better understand where the difficulties

encountered in the management should improve monitoring and maintaining motivation. Finally help the patient become aware of his inner wealth is to help reduce the need fill with food "suggests the specialist.

Monday 22 October 2012

31 Day Fat Loss Cure Scam - Breast cancer: weight loss

Breast cancer: weight loss reduces the risk in women with a BRCA1 mutation
Weight loss between 18 and 30 years 65% reduced risk of developing breast cancer in women with a mutation in the BRCA1

gene predisposing to this disease, say researchers at the conclusion of a study published in the journal "Breast Cancer Research".Steven Narod of the University of Toronto, and colleagues from other universities in Canada, the U.S. and Poland, after a thousand women, all wearing a mutation in one of two genes predisposing to breast cancer known BRCA1 and BRCA2  Fat Loss

The women were divided into two groups depending on whether they were infected or not breast cancer. After matching each other in terms of age, gene mutation carrier and the country of origin, it appears that "for women with a mutation in the BRCA1 gene, a weight loss of at least 5 kg was associated with a 65% reduction in cancer risk between 30 and 40 years. "

Conversely, women with a BRCA1 mutation who take at least 5 kg between the ages of 18 and 30 years were 44% more likely to develop breast cancer if they have two children.

The authors did, however, found no association between weight loss and the risk of breast cancer in carriers of BRCA2 mutation.

Customized Fat Loss Review - 4 Fat Burning Workout Exercises Great for fat loss

The results you get ... or not with your workouts are largely determined by the exercises you do. 30 minutes of

effective fat burning can do better than 60 minutes of the ineffectual. Your workouts should include a number of "types of exercises" so they can offer the best fat loss results.

Fat burning exercises to do
Doing these exercises helps you achieve two things:

1. You can do shorter workouts as they are not wasting their time on ineffective exercises Fat Loss Review

2. Increase your calorie burn rate during the same exercise and increase your metabolism for several hours after the workout itself.

These are the "kinds of exercise" and not specific exercises. You will have a range of exercise options within each of these types of exercises to your workouts, can be varied and never boring. What if it's always intense.

1. Jumping Exercises
I love jumping exercises because they are a great way to include short bursts of cardio in a strength training. If you

do these at the beginning of a entrenamientod will find that "it is much better to do strength exercises.

I usually start my training with a jumping exercise and include it as part of my circuit. My favorite exercises include the squat jump and lunge jumps (aka hop hop). However, burpees are also an excellent option.

Lunge jump squats and employ a lot of muscle under heavy stress: the weight of his body. Furthermore, the jump produces

cardiovascular stimulation contributes to the overall quality of fat burning exercises.Include a series of jumps in each of its routes in the future and you will feel and see the difference.

2. Squats and lunges
You may be thinking that this is a repetition of jumping exercises, but it is not. First, the jump squat and lunge can

be done in one direction, while there are a number of variations of lunges and squat exercises you can perform. A small sample are side squats, reverse lunges, squats, lunges bowing, rotational throws, etc. Most of these exercises can be done with no jumps.

Squat exercises,fat, can and should be done with dumbbells or weights to increase the intensity of exercise.

Third, some of the best exercises for burning fat are combination exercises. I'm talking about exercises like lunges

with bicep curls or squats with shoulder press. These are, in fact, two exercises done in one motion. Employing more muscles and burn fat faster.

3. Pushing exercise - Focus on chest
These are all pushing exercises and all targets are in the chest as his main force. As part of his body exercise routine, must include some pushing exercises. They work a lot of muscle mass in the chest, triceps and shoulders.

You can change your exercises with different grips pushing, not on an incline or decline position, and, of course, change the selection of specific exercises from one exercise to another.

4. Back focus
The end of "type of fat burning exercise" is the one that gets most of the attention in the muscles of the back.Exercises general drive back muscles and especially the biceps and shoulder muscles in a secondary way.

As the back contains a large amount of muscle tissue, traction exercises should be included to complete his routine fat burning session.

You have a series of exercises to choose from and many variations of each: pull-ups and push-ups, dumbbell rows, cable or rod, tubing extraction, and deadlift.

Friday 19 October 2012

31 Day Fat Loss Cure Scam - Nutritionists recommend eating

Nutritionists recommend eating these products to anyone who wants to lose weight and keep the weight is normal.
According to experts, foods that burn fat is best to use for 30 minutes before a meal, while eating or after 1.5-2 hours
after. Also, many of them can bite, if you feel hungry between meals.
Foods that Day Fat Loss
1. Grapefruit
half a grapefruit or grapefruit fresh promotes the breakdown of fat and reduces insulin levels in the blood, which in
turn suppresses the desire to snack. Eat grapefruit before each meal or drink fresh grapefruit, for 2 weeks you can lose
weight 2-3 kg. 2. Cabbage Fresh cabbage contains tartronovuyu acid and vitamin U - bioactive compounds that inhibit the
conversion of carbohydrates into fat and prevent the accumulation of excess weight. 3. Pineapple In fresh pineapple has
an enzyme bromelain, which aids in digestion and helps break down fats. Consider, pineapple helps to ensure that the
food eaten is not being held at the waist and hips. But, alas, in the fight against excess weight accumulated over
several months or years, pineapple powerless. It is only in combination with fitness training and diet. 4. Lemon Clean
water with fresh lemon juice metabolism, displays the body of toxins, helps to establish the intestines and prevents
weight gain. 5. Kiwi These tropical fruits help cleanse the body, helping to set up the bowels, excrete waste products
and excess fluid. In addition, kiwi contain a powerful supply of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and
protects the body from the cold. To lose weight, try to eat fresh kiwi as a snack, and before each meal. 6. Green Tea
Green tea without sugar speeds up the metabolism, helps clean the body. They say that if you drink a day for 5 cups of
green tea, for 2 weeks to get rid of 2-4 kg. 7. Apples Eat an apple before or after every meal, it will help to restore
the required level of blood sugar. As a result, stable levels of hormones that influence appetite and saturation.
Notice! To lose weight and keep the weight is normal, you need every day to drink at least 1.5 liters of fresh water.
Without enough water your metabolism slows down, toxins piling up and deposited extra folds of the thighs and waist.

31 day fat loss cure scam - when the diet is a cure

The word "diet", is widely used in the lexicon as a tool for weight loss comes from the Greek díaita - lifestyle.

If losing weight can be a single campaign aimed at improving the internal and external factors that are responsible for the quality of life, medical diet, which means the food is the maintenance and improvement of a certain state - this is a

fundamentally different concept. Specifically, therapeutic diets that are required to the emergence of the disease and life, often prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, an important role in which she plays the liver.fat loss

Liver , in simple terms, acts as a filter for different injuring life and normal functioning of the body, substances.
Virtually all diseases that occur with a person somehow affect the liver, not to mention the "absolute evil" - alcohol, fatty, junk food, and medicines. Among other things, the liver has its "weak points" - it is for him "beat" somebacteria and viruses that cause functional damage to the cells. This can lead to hepatitis - inflammation of the liver.

Conventionally, Hepatitis - two versions: it is the bacteria that cause hepatitis A (infectious disease, disease of

"dirty hands", jaundice), and viruses - causing hepatitis B, C, and other, other - a complete list of all viral

hepatitis is quite wide. If in the case with bacterial hepatitis A is more or less clear, the viral hepatitis - this is

about-what-how-to-not-taken-talk-aloud. Some people believe that HCV affects only alcoholics, drug addicts and other people morally decaying and leading asocial way of life, in which the reign of evil and promiscuity and other debauchery. This is definitely a myth . Which generally shrouded in the entire history of the detection of the virus

that causes hepatitis. Stories and Myths about Hepatitis deserve a separate article, but for information, according toWHO statistics, only hepatitis B virus worldwide are infected over 2 billion people. And this is just the data from clinical studies. How many people can carry the virus but do not know about this (for reference - the hepatitis C virus- "gentle killer" - may be "sleeping in the body up to 15 years, does not prove itself and exposes) is anyone's guess.

Say that among this set of people is absolute and percentage of drug addicts, for example, is not necessary, but at the

same time, a considerable number of patients were infected through blood transfusions, surgery, dentistry, and as a result of the case - sad , but true fact. Hepatitis, by the way, one of the occupational health doctors - the

probability of infection of the patient from exposure to body fluids in the body. Despite the differences in course,diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the vital (vital prognosis - a combination of different factors, to judge whether it is possible Does cure disease, whether it will or not in the chronic form and what are the chances of recovery) ,

common in people who have had or continue to hurt any of the forms of hepatitis, one thing - the need to save as your liver. Even if the transferred hepatitis was completely disinfected, even if you remember about that liver cells have the ability to regenerate and restore, protect, and to spare her life. And, first of all, it is designed to do a strict diet - as the food here would be regarded not only as a means of generating energy, but also as an available remedy, of

course, in complex combination with drug therapy, if such there is a need for a doctor. doctor to develop a list ofmedical diets ("therapeutic tables"), in which several items are assigned a diet prescribed for liver diseases. In cure scam
particular, the diet number 5 , which is indicated for chronic hepatitis benign course. So, the goal of any diet for hepatitis - is to reduce the toxic effects on the liver by its mechanical and physical schazheniya, to prevent

exacerbation of disease, suffering and promote the restoration of disturbed functions of the liver, This meets the needs of the body for nutrients. Indeed, the list of permitted and prohibited foods - is not far from a secret, the worst inthe diet - is the need to maintain a balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Fats in large quantities to the liver is contraindicated because just as easily digestible, or simple, carbohydrates .